Fancy Dining

Country / Area   State / Province / Territory
Food and Drink
Fancy Dining (177)
Dinner (2622)
Cafe (1786)
Culinary Adventures (214)
Brunch (137)
Drinks (1294)
Sweets (96)
Lunch (664)
Arts and Culture
Live Music / Concerts (278)
Lectures and Lessons (4)
Museums and Galleries (181)
Arts and Crafts (21)
Dancing (87)
The Movies (812)
Sporting Events (104)
Performing Arts (71)
Out and About
Sightseeing (224)
Playing sports / Games (89)
Shopping (32)
Random Daytime Activities (487)
Walking or Hiking (288)
Pets (30)
Random Nighttime Activities (683)
Dates that make a difference (571)
Spiritual (28)
Errand dating (13)
Just can't be categorized
Just can't be categorized (2516)
Fancy Dining Join now to share your first date ideas
Comedy clubs amusement parks concerts events dancing and traviling around the w...
To bring flowers of her favorite color. Dinner and perhaps a comedy club.
have a nice dinner and then take a walk or sit and talk
First the introduction then the getting to know each other. Then the dinner date...
--by lickemup (47M/East Orange, NJ) Send a message Like this idea
Go somewhere quiet maybe to dinner and a movie. If i like you maybe shopping nex...
A nice cool place sexy drinks going to my place
a romantic dinner date for two at a restraunt with some of the nicest food there...
--by Gingerpete69 (18M/Warwick, England - Warwickshire) Send a message Like this idea
My first date i cook for her an we have a glass of wine and have fun
--by cholo64 (35M/Plaistow, NH) Send a message Like this idea
A meal or meet for a drink would have to talk about so you both agree
--by Izzie1956 (56W/Bristol, England - Gloucestershire) Send a message Like this idea
Mucha platica y comprobar si hay quimica
--by LadyBlond (22W/Mexicali, Baja California) Send a message Like this idea
Come over i cook dinner and listen to music or watch movies
My first date would be at Blur Martini or a nice long walk on the beach
--by nemo81 (31M/Orlando, FL) Send a message Like this idea
Going to the beach and watching the sun set.
go for an fast bike ride and to take sun bath eating in her fav restuarent and d...
Nice dinner overlooking the ocean on a nice clear afternoon or night.
--by 954oneiron (62M/Fort Lauderdale, FL) Send a message Like this idea
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